Sunman News

One either the second or third Wednesday of the month, leaving 2 hours early. (There are 2 exceptions: March & May have no early dismissals) Refer to the events calendar for this month's early dismissal date.
Chorus meets on most Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45 until 3:20. Students that do not ride Second Dismissal Busses, must be picked up at 3:20. Check Ms. Risinger's class webpage for updates along with watching for notes to come home!
Please call the Attendance Line at Ext. 15903 to leave a message if your child is not coming to school that day. Please indicate if you would like to arrange for make-up work. Please call in all end of day changes BEFORE 2:00 to Mrs. Richter at Ext. 15903.
Background Check
Need an EXTENDED background check? Click here then call Kelley at ext. 15904 once you have submitted your request
Need to reserve our building for an activity? Contact Scott Schwarz
Be sure to check out the PAWS page for information about the Kroger Rewards and Amazon Smiles Programs
Breakfast At School
Click here for more information on breakfast at school
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Tiger Spirit
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