Wellness Policy

Wellness Policy

Nutrition Education Goals
  • Nutrition and healthy living skills shall be taught as part of the regular instructional program and provides the opportunity for all students to understand and practice concepts and skills related to nutrition, health promotion and disease prevention.
  • Each school shall provide for an interdisciplinary, sequential skill-based health education program based upon state standards and benchmarks.
  • Students shall have access to valid and useful nutrition and health information, and nutrition and health promotion products and services.
  • Students shall have the opportunity to practice behaviors that enhance health and/or reduce health risks during the school day and as part of before or after school programs.
  • Students shall be taught communication, goal setting, and decision making skills that enhance person, family and community nutrition and health.
  • Parents, teachers, school administrators, students, foodservice professionals, and community members will be encouraged to serve as role models by practicing healthy eating.
Physical Activity Goals
  • The school district will comply with the Indiana Physical Education standards.
  • The promotion of life-long physical activity will be integrated across the curricula and throughout the school day.
  • The allotted time for physical activity will be consistent with the state guidelines.
  • At the elementary school level, students will engage in physical activity every day.
  • The school district will encourage opportunities for physical activity through after-school programs including, but not limited to interscholastic athletics, the implementation and/or the enhancement of intramural athletics, and physical activity clubs.
  • The school district will ensure that all recreational facilities are safe, clean and accessible for all students.
  • Faculty and parents will be encouraged to engage in physical activities with students.
  • Parents, teachers, school administrators, students, foodservice professionals, and community members will be encouraged to serve as role models by practicing healthy physical activity habits.
Other School Based Activities Goals
  • The school district will encourage healthy food choices at activities outside of the school day.
  • The school district will encourage the use of healthy snacks or non-food items as a reward in schools.
  • Food from restaurants and soda pop will not be permitted to be brought into the school by a parent or student for their student’s or their own breakfast or lunch that will be eaten in the cafeteria.
  • Dining areas will be clean, safe, and attractive.
  • The school district will ensure that drinking fountains are available in all schools.
  • The school district will make efforts to keep school or district owned physical activity facilities open for use by students and community members outside school hours when fiscally possible.
  • Advertising messages are consistent with and reinforce the objectives of the education and nutrition environment goals of the school.
  • Advertising of foods or beverages in the areas accessible to students during meal times must be consistent with established nutrition environment standards.
Nutrition Guidelines for all Foods and Beverages Served on Campus during the School Day Goals
  • Ala carte, beverage, and vending machine sales will meet the state requirements and nutrition standards set forth under Senate Enrolled Act 111/Public Law 54.
  • Ala carte sales of food to students will not be allowed at the elementary school level.
  • At all schools, vending machines containing food or carbonated beverages will not be accessible to students during lunch time.
  • Healthy food and beverage choices will be offered in vending machines and encouraged at concession stands, and at other school functions.
  • The school district will encourage parents to provide healthy snacks and treats, or non-food items, when supplying items for classroom celebrations. [Including no soda pop in K-6 grade level and using proper portions on snacks and treats.
Child Nutrition Program Goals
  • Reimbursable school meals will meet the program requirements and nutrition standards set forth under the 7 CFR Part 210 and Part 200.
  • All meals served will comply with federal, state, and local Board of Health requirements.
  • Breakfast and lunch will be offered at each school.
  • The food service department will strive to increase participation in the available federal Child Nutrition programs, such as the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs.
  • The identity of students receiving free or reduced priced meal benefits will be protected.
  • Lunch periods are scheduled as near the middle of the school day as possible.
Monitoring and Compliance Goals
  • The superintendent or designee will ensure compliance with established district-wide nutrition and physical activity wellness policies. In each school, the principal or designee will ensure compliance with those policies in his/her school and will report on the school’s compliance to the school district superintendent or designee.
  • School food service director and staff will ensure compliance with nutrition policies within school food service areas and will report on this matter to the to superintendent. In addition, the school district will report on the most recent USDA School Meals Initiative review findings and any resulting changes.
  • The superintendent or designee will develop a summary report every three years on district-wide compliance with the district’s established nutrition and physical activity wellness policies, based on input from schools within the district. That report will be provided to the school board and also distributed to all parent/teacher organizations, school principals, and school health services personnel in the district.
  • The Indiana Health Standards will be available to all schools.
  • The Wellness Policy Committee will meet in April of each school year or other meetings as needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Wellness Policy, and propose any necessary changes. A verbal report of findings will be presented to School Board by designee.
  • The School Board will have the final authority to approve or disapprove any changes made to the Wellness Policy.

School Board Approved 6/14/07

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    • Admin. Office

      Sunman-Dearborn Community Schools
      1 Trojan Place, Suite B
      St. Leon, IN 47012

      Tel: 812-623-2291
      Fax: 812-623-3341
      Dr. Andrew Jackson, Superintendent

      High School

      East Central High School
      1 Trojan Place, Suite A
      St. Leon, IN 47012

      Tel: 812-576-4811
      Fax: 812-576-2047
      Tom Black, Principal

      Middle School

      East Central Middle School
      8356 Schuman Road
      St. Leon, IN 47012

      Tel: 812-576-3500
      Fax: 812-576-3506
      Chad Swinney, Principal

    • Elementary Schools

      Bright Elementary
      22593 Stateline Road
      Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

      Tel: 812-637-4600
      Fax: 812-637-4606
      Michael Collier, Principal

      North Dearborn Elementary
      27650 Sawmill Road
      West Harrison, IN 47060

      Tel: 812-576-1900
      Fax: 812-576-1901
      Jeff Bond, Principal

      Sunman Elementary
      925 North Meridian St.
      Sunman, IN  47041

      Tel: 812-623-2235
      Toll Free:  888-645-5717
      Fax:  812-623-4330
      Cindy Stonehill, Principal

  • Location