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Week of 2/3-2/7

Dear Parents, 

Here is what is going on in our classroom this week:

Reading: We will be working with realistic fiction and story elements such as characters, setting, problem and solution. You can be asking these questions as you read at home! :)

Letters/Sounds: /sh/ and /th/

Sight Words: some, were, funny

*At school we spell them and read them aloud for practice!

Math: Subtraction

Counting to 100 by 1s Review. Please practice this skill at home, we have been making mistakes with this skill!

Writing: Main Idea/Informational

Social Studies/Science- Groundhogs Day! 


  • Please keep your child home until they are fever free for 24 without medication. We have sent a lot of friends home sick today. 
  • Valentine's Day Party will be 2/14. If you child would like to participate please make sure to send them with a valentine for everyone listed in our class. We have 22 students in our class. Mason, Katelyn, Johnny, Lilliana, Evander, Gideon, Braxton, Nora, Brooks, Tess, Bradlee, Hayden, Carly, Avery, Xavier, Anna R., Carlee, Tessa, Lance, Courtney, Anna W., Lane.

* Please keep practicing those sight words at home.

Please let me know if you have any questions! 

-Mrs. Kelley

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    • Admin. Office

      Sunman-Dearborn Community Schools
      1 Trojan Place, Suite B
      St. Leon, IN 47012

      Tel: 812-623-2291
      Fax: 812-623-3341
      Dr. Andrew Jackson, Superintendent

      High School

      East Central High School
      1 Trojan Place, Suite A
      St. Leon, IN 47012

      Tel: 812-576-4811
      Fax: 812-576-2047
      Tom Black, Principal

      Middle School

      East Central Middle School
      8356 Schuman Road
      St. Leon, IN 47012

      Tel: 812-576-3500
      Fax: 812-576-3506
      Chad Swinney, Principal

    • Elementary Schools

      Bright Elementary
      22593 Stateline Road
      Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

      Tel: 812-637-4600
      Fax: 812-637-4606
      Michael Collier, Principal

      North Dearborn Elementary
      27650 Sawmill Road
      West Harrison, IN 47060

      Tel: 812-576-1900
      Fax: 812-576-1901
      Jeff Bond, Principal

      Sunman Elementary
      925 North Meridian St.
      Sunman, IN  47041

      Tel: 812-623-2235
      Toll Free:  888-645-5717
      Fax:  812-623-4330
      Cindy Stonehill, Principal

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